A Prayer for Community After the Election
Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another…
—Romans 12:15–16 (NRSV)
—Romans 12:15–16 (NRSV)
In community, we honor all realities and responses to pain, discomfort, celebration, relief, anticipation, fear, and uncertainty. Personal welfare depends on the welfare of others, the welfare of the community. How can we honor everyone in our community in this post-election period?
Practicing Unity in Diversity means that sometimes the very thing that makes one rejoice, makes another weep. As one body, we feel all of it. In sacred community, there must be space for all the realities of our lives. Our unity, even in our differences in this moment, is imperative to building signal communities in preparing for God’s reign. What does it mean for us as a prophetic people to need each one to experience the Zion of our dreams? Reflect on how we can practice Unity in Diversity in this post-election time by using the following prayer statements to guide you.
We weep with those who weep… (time of prayer)
We rejoice with those who rejoice… (time of prayer)
We live in harmony with one another… (time of prayer)
—Katie Harmon-McLaughlin (adapted)
Practicing Unity in Diversity means that sometimes the very thing that makes one rejoice, makes another weep. As one body, we feel all of it. In sacred community, there must be space for all the realities of our lives. Our unity, even in our differences in this moment, is imperative to building signal communities in preparing for God’s reign. What does it mean for us as a prophetic people to need each one to experience the Zion of our dreams? Reflect on how we can practice Unity in Diversity in this post-election time by using the following prayer statements to guide you.
We weep with those who weep… (time of prayer)
We rejoice with those who rejoice… (time of prayer)
We live in harmony with one another… (time of prayer)
—Katie Harmon-McLaughlin (adapted)