Holding in the Light
For this prayer, you will recognize the light in someone else and hold them in the light of God. As you pray, hold a battery-operated tea light candle and name the person or people you are praying for. Perhaps you'd like to pray for one of the candidates or someone who is very troubled by the election. Perhaps you'd like to pray for a group or individual who will be significantly impacted by the results of the election. Perhaps you want to pray for your fellow voters.
Begin your prayer by imagining holding the light of the person you are praying for up to God and visualizing God’s light filling that person as you pray.
Your prayer might sound something like this,
“Loving God, tonight I hold the light of [my fellow voter] up
to you. [They] are special to me because [ ______ ]. I know God that you are with [them] every day. Let them feel your light filling every part of their life, especially during this confusing, difficult, and important time. Amen.”
Use any words that come from your heart.
Begin your prayer by imagining holding the light of the person you are praying for up to God and visualizing God’s light filling that person as you pray.
Your prayer might sound something like this,
“Loving God, tonight I hold the light of [my fellow voter] up
to you. [They] are special to me because [ ______ ]. I know God that you are with [them] every day. Let them feel your light filling every part of their life, especially during this confusing, difficult, and important time. Amen.”
Use any words that come from your heart.